~✦Sluice Mycoffigy✦~

Another Day in the Microwave

A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.

Is the net spread for the flatterer or the flattered? Perhaps for both, since flattery is dishonest compliment.

'Busy bees must all be busy as busy bees ought be,
    and lazy as the queens may be they'll lend no rest to me'

My ⚹-star is watching me again. It's waiting just over the ♑︎-horizon, peeking over the crest of the earth. Creeping to the top of the ☉-Tower, to cast its static bolt of cosmic ⛧-hell radiation upon me.

In the shadow of the ☉-Emperor, the ♅-Empress wanes. These are not ♀-lovers, but ⚷-regents destined to rule. Again and again they reduce each other to null. Over and over they invert, refusing to complement. Their fission fractures and irradiates.

The universe is a scale-free system, all intertwined. Man Below is a microcosm of God Above, and from each the other twists. Yet both conspire towards decay and leave nothing in their wake.

The sundial shadow of the ☾-Tower has left my home; I must follow it. Another exodus along the spiral. Would that the days were longer and I did not have to make this journey by foot.